Amateur Status
Based on the "Rules of Golf and the Rules of Amateur Status" book:
An "amateur golfer" is one who plays the game as a non-remunerative or non-profit making sport and who does not receive remuneration for teaching golf or for other activities because of golf skill or reputation, except as provided in the Rules.
1-2 Amateur status is a universal condition of eligibility for playing in golf competitions as an amateur golfer. A person who acts contrary to the Rules may forfeit his status as an amateur golfer and as a result will be ineligible to play in amateur competitions.
We are strongly encouraging that you consult the book "Rule of Golf and the Rules of Amateur Status" to obtain the complete rules on amateur status.
Rules of Golf
Rules Seminars
If you are registered or want to register for the Level 1, 2 or 3 of the Rules of Golf, make sure to read our Expenses policy for rules training (new version to come shortly) to better understand how Golf Québec can help you through this process.
Level 1
Level 2
- Register (the English webinars are provided by Golf Ontario)
Information regarding Amateur Status and for the Reinstatement for Amateur Status