Rules Column - 2020 archives

December 6, 2020 - Answers on Rule 14 (Part 2)
November 29, 2020 - Answers on Rule 14: Lifting and Returning a Ball to Play (Part 1)
November 22, 2020 - A few rulings at the 2020 Masters
November 15, 2020 - The Masters and the Rules of Golf
November 8, 2020 - Unusual Rulings on the Champions Tour
November 1, 2020 - Strange and rare rulings in Italy last week
October 25, 2020 - Answers on Rule 13: green
October 18, 2020 - NCAA Golf and Covid-19: Costly Penalty
October 11, 2020 - A few rulings on rule 1 to 9 (2020 season)
October 4, 2020 - Answers to questions on rule 12: bunkers
September 27, 2020 - Lost ball: is it in the penalty area?
September 20, 2020 - Clarifications on the serious breach
September 11, 2020 - Answers on Rule 11
September 5, 2020 - Match Play: Penalty or not?
August 30, 2020 - Costly mistake by a caddie and answers on rule 10
August 24, 2020 - Rulings on the PGA Tour
August 16, 2020 - Answers on rule #8
August 2, 2020 - Covid-19 update regarding bunkers
July 19, 2020 - Answers to question # 7
July 12, 2020 - Answers to question 6
July 5, 2020 - Relief from a cart path: Phil learns a new rule of golf!
June 28, 2020 - Rules #5: playing the round… Answers
June 21, 2020 - Answers Rule 4: The Player’s Equipment
June 14, 2020 - Answer, rule 3, and a few questions about equipment
June 7, 2020 - Covid-19 and the start of the season: a few finding
May 31, 2020 - Rule #2: answers
May 24, 2020 - Covid-19: the rules of golf and the opening of the golf courses
May 18, 2020 - Questions: Rule #2
May 10, 2020 - Questions Rule #1 (Part 2)
May 3, 2020 - Covid-19 and rules of golf: bunkers
April 26, 2020 - A few questions about Rule 1
April 19, 2020 - 14 pros players are disqualified
April 12, 2020 - Covid-19 and the Rules of Golf (last part)
April 5, 2020 - Covid-19 and the Rules of Golf
March 29, 2020 - Local Rules: end of topic
March 22, 2020 - Local Rules: golf club responsabilities
March 15, 2020 - Local rules: general information
March 8, 2020 - Problems with sprinkler heads, edging grooves and aeration holes
March 1, 2020 - Out of bounds near houses
February 23, 2020 - Is my ball in a penalty area?
February 16, 2020 - When a ball lies on a cart path
February 9, 2020 - Making a stroke at a ball in a no play zone
February 2, 2020 - About the no play zones
January 26, 2020 - Dangerous conditions on a golf course
January 19, 2020 - A few rules to know when you are playing down South in Winter
Rules Column - 2019 archives
Rules Column - 2018 archives
Rules Column - 2017 archives

Rules Column

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