Louise Patry Re-Elected as President of Golf Québec

 2023 Board of Directors
In front: Gisèle Carpentier, Louise Patry, Eve Gaudet
Back row: Olivier Daneau, Alain Dufresne, François Gagnon, David Tremblay, Michel Dell'Aniello
Absent: Sonia Houde, Nadia Di Menna

Montréal, February 27, 2023 – The Québec Golf Federation (Golf Québec) is proud to announce that at its 103rd Annual General Meeting held on Saturday, February 25, Louise Patry was elected President for a second consecutive year.

A partner at Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg, Louise Patry has practiced labour and employment law for 40 years and advises companies of all sizes on employee transfers, executive compensation, downsizing, wrongful dismissals, pay equity, pensions, occupational health and safety, and employment-related aspects of complex corporate mergers and acquisitions.

As a volunteer for almost 30 years, she had the opportunity to sit on various committees and boards of directors, including those of the Women's Y of Montréal and the Women's Y Foundation of Montréal, as President, as well as the National Arts Centre Foundation. A member of the Beaconsfield Golf Club since 2000, she served twice as a member of the Board of Directors, including as the first female president for the 2019 and 2020 seasons. At the national level, she represents Golf Québec as a member of the Golf Canada Provincial Council and is a member of the Governance Committee. She also served on the Human Resources Committee, the Diversity and Inclusion Task Force, and the Nominating Committee.

Louise Patry joined the Golf Québec Board of Directors in 2017. She served as Secretary from 2017 to 2019 as well as Vice-President in 2020 and 2021 before accepting the Presidency of the Federation in 2022. Since 2018, she has served on various provincial committees, including the Governance and Ethics Committee, Strategic Planning Committee, Finance and Audit Committee, as well as the Human Resources Committee.

"I am honoured to have been chosen for another year as President of Golf Québec, a dynamic and progressive organization that can count on competent employees and volunteers dedicated to the promotion and development of golf in the province. 2023 will certainly be a busy year with a series of new projects and initiatives that will be put in place with the objective of fostering the growth of golf in Québec at all levels," noted Louise Patry.

In 2023, Ms. Patry's board team will consist of:

  • François Gagnon (Vice-President), Parcours du Cerf
  • Ève Gaudet (Secretary), Montcalm, Association des clubs de golf du Québec (ACGQ)
  • Michel Dell’Aniello (Treasurer), Vallée du Richelieu
  • Gisèle Carpentier, Golf Le Mirage
  • Sonia Houde, Le Blainvillier
  • Olivier Daneau, Continental
  • Alain Dufresne, Ki-8-Eb, Regional Association Council (RAC)
  • Nadia Di Menna, Le Versant, National Golf Course Owners Association of Canada – Québec Branch (NGCOA)
  • David Tremblay, PGA of Canada – Québec Zone


About Golf Québec – Initiate Passions, Build Dreams

Founded in 1920, Golf Québec is the provincial sport federation whose mission is to increase participation in golf and develop excellence. Golf Québec provides discovery and introduction programs such as First Tee – Premier départ Québec as well as core services such as the Rules of Golf, Course Ratings, World Handicap System, and the Québec Golf Hall of Fame. In addition, Golf Québec conducts regional and provincial championships to bring the local golf enthusiasts to surpass themselves and eventually reach the upper spheres of professional tours. For more information, please visit https://www.golfquebec.org.



Jean-Pierre Beaulieu, Executive Director
514 252-3345, ext. 3732 – golfquebec@golfquebec.org