François Roy Heads for GGGolf and the ACGQ

April 11, 2024 - François Roy becomes Director of Business Development and Marketing for GGGolf Technologies Inc. and the Association des clubs de golf du Québec (ACGQ). He will assume his new role starting May 6, teaming up with Stéphane Dubé, President of GGGolf and General Manager of the ACGQ.
Having recently announced his departure from Golf Québec, where he had worked for 22 years, he will ensure a transition over the coming weeks, just in time for the next golf season. His mandate will be shared between the two organizations. He will represent GGGolf Technologies' products and services to golf club managers, and promote the deployment and marketing of the platform.
For the ACGQ, he will promote the organization, its services and its involvement in the industry. The ACGQ is currently developing several impact projects, and François' contribution will facilitate their progress.
Last year marked a new beginning for GGGolf, following its acquisition by Quebec shareholders. In February 2023, after several months of discussion and work by the General Manager and members of the ACGQ Board of Directors, the association was able to bring together a group of investors and bring this flagship back under Quebec ownership and management. This group brings together a number of people who know the golf industry well, including Stéphane Dubé, François Roy, Patrice Forcier, Martin Bergeron as well as the founders of the GGGolf software, Gilles Gauthier and Lise Beaudet.
"We are delighted with GGGolf's encouraging progress since the return of operations to Quebec, and the significant improvement in our customer service made possible by the contribution of GTO Gestion Informatique. Although he is already a shareholder, François' arrival as an employee is an important addition to the team. His knowledge of the industry combined with his skills in project management, customer service and communications will contribute greatly to innovating and maintaining the quality of our services," emphasizes Stéphane Dubé.
"This is an extremely stimulating challenge for me. After several years working to develop and promote golf among amateur golfers, I'm proud to continue supporting the growth of the game, but this time in close collaboration with club managers. Quebec offers over 300 golf and courses. These are important businesses in their regions, and I want to facilitate their operations. There are many innovative projects for the industry, and I'm happy to continue contributing to them," says François Roy.
The mission of the Association des Clubs de Golf du Québec inc. is to promote the profession of golf club general managers by providing its members with training and development tools that meet their needs, by representing its members before various authorities, and by developing the mutual assistance and support inherent in any professional association.
GGGolf is an integrated platform that provides a complete solution for managers' operational needs. The basic GGGolf software comes with numerous features, modules and integrations. In addition to the core platform, the company also offers many other add-on modules to enhance operations and the customer/member experience.