Golf Québec Statement - COVID-19

Given the increased uncertainty and provincial and global concerns related to COVID-19, Golf Québec is studying all dimensions of the situation in order to continue to operate and make decisions in the best interest of our employees, volunteers, golfers, athletes, partners, and other stakeholders to protect their health and well-being.

We are monitoring to the guidelines of the Governments of Québec and Canada, the Institut national de la santé publique du Québec, the World Health Organization, and other government and regional experts to monitor the situation and receive guidance on how to proceed.

We are also consulting with our key partners in the golf industry including Golf Canada, ACGQ, NGCOA, PGA of Québec, and ASGQ, in order to make informed and responsible decisions.

At the moment, the Golf-études spring camp that was scheduled for March 13 to 21 has been cancelled. Program activities were also suspended due to the school closures.

Concerning our competition and training schedules, registration has been suspended for the time being. Golf Québec will adjust its calendar of events according to the guidelines of our governments.

In addition, the spring meetings to be held with Golf Québec and the regional associations will be conducted in the form of conference calls over the next few weeks.

Finally, all Golf Québec employees remain on duty by working from home.